Countryside Day

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We are very fortunate to have Gilly Bate on our HCSD Committee and heading up this important area of our show.

Gilly has fished on the Southern Chalkstreams for over 20 years and qualified with AAPGAI at advanced level for single handed rods.

Lots on offer in this important area including:

Fly tying with the Hampshire Branch of Wild Fish Organisation.
Fly Casting Lessons and demos for beginners to advanced with Gilly Bate, AAPGAI advanced single handed casting instructor.
River sampling and entomology and information for beginners taking up fly fishing in Hampshire.
Information on trout and grayling fishing on the river Test and Itchen.
2nd hand fly fishing equipment for sale.

PLUS the amazing Charles Jardine will be demonstrating in the main arena!

The Fly fishing area will have the Salmon & Trout Conservation Hampshire Branch providing fly casting lessons throughout the day for beginners to more advanced casting techniques. They also have entomology area with fly casting demonstrations and the chance to tie your own fly.

Charles Jardine and Gilly Bate will be demonstrating fly casting in the main arena particularly aimed at women taking up fly fishing.

There are also cane rods, tuition, antique fly fishing equipment and fly fishing advice for anyone fishing in Hampshire throughout the year.

Salmon & Trout Association

The S&TA are running the casting lesson area for both double handed and single handed rods. Complete novices or experienced for 10 minute lessons. Entomology and fly tying in the tent with ‘have a go’ area..

Fly Odyssey – Angling Adventures in the UK and Global destinations around the world. Information on chalkstream fishing in Hampshire and overseas advice for fly fishing holiday travel with Gilly Bate and Mat McHugh

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