Countryside Day

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Clumber Spaniels

We are delighted to welcome this year The Working Clumber Spaniel Society – please come and meet the team at The CA tent.

The Working Clumber Spaniel Society

The Working Clumber Spaniel Society was formed in 1984 by a group of enthusiasts keen to restore the breed to a position of respect in the shooting field. Over 30 years of selective breeding, training and focus has produced the modern working Clumber which now closely resembles the original agile sporting spaniel prized by the Victorian sportsmen for their outstanding scenting abilities and tireless work rate.

Growing to over 400 enthusiastic members, the Society is very active. A packed programme sees field training, working tests, field trials, game fair appearances and some fabulous shooting days. The dedicated work of the Society is now bearing fruit for the breed which is increasingly being seen on shooting fields being worked confidently alongside springer and cocker spaniels.

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